Install Qt


Windows users can choose to use the Microsoft Visual Studio's compiler (MSVC) or use the MinGW compiler.

For MSVC users

  1. Install MSVC 2013 Express/ Pro.

    Note: If you are a student, you can try to find if there is a free pro version at Microsoft's Dreamspark website.

  2. Go to Qt offical website
  3. You can choose to download an online installer or an offline installer. Online installer should auto-detect your MSVC when installing.
  4. If you choose to install offline, look carefully at the file names of the installation files. Choose the installer that uses the same version as your MSVC.

For MinGW users

  1. Go to Qt offical website
  2. You can choose to download an online installer or an offline installer. When installing with an online installer, look for MinGW in the steps when setup. Then check it.

    If you choose to install offline, look carefully at the file names of the installation files. Choose the installer that uses the MinGW compiler.

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